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Just released!, Dugi Gold Academy is a revolutionary Video Gold Guide that teaches you, step by step, how to create your own wealth in World of Warcraft.
This extensive training course is designed to teach complete beginners how to become gold making experts faster than any other gold making guide.
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- Easy to Follow Video Course
Watch on Any Device
- No Short Term Tricks
- No Useless Content Fillers
- Learn at Your Own Pace
- Entertaining To Watch
- Only Proven Strategies That Work
You will learn gold making methods and secrets used by the Elite players of Warcraft.
You can look, learn, practice, and master these advanced techniques wherever you may be.
Get 5 Bonus Videos + eBook for Free
Sign – up to our newsletter and instantly get 4 bonus videos and an Auction House Starter Guide Book ($17) absolutely free.
You can get started making easy Auction House gold right now with our free videos.
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Module 1: Bonus Starter Videos
These are yours absolutely free!, you can get them by entering your email in our newsletter and check out our high quality content.

Step-by-step video tutorial that shows where to download from and how to install the AddOns that I recommend in the guide. AddOns, like Auctioneer or Postal, are very useful tools that can dramatically boost your gold making efforts.

Tiny Treasure farming is still profitable in Mist of Pandaria gold/hour rate and surprisingly not many people are aware of their gold potential. Use this technique if you urgently need gold or you need to build up your capital gold to play the Auction House game.

As a gatherer you are guaranteed to make Gold for your time, but you will need to setup GatherMate and Routes addons to maximise your time searching for the nodes.

In this video I show you a typical day of one of my Bank Alts and an introduction to Auctioneer color coding. I’m just scratching the surface, but hopefully you will see how playing the auction can be very easy and fast.

This eBook offers the economic blueprint for World of Warcraft. Laying out the steps for increasing your gold, your assets, and your status, this guide will present you with the inner workings of the maze that is the World of Warcraft economy.
Amounts of wealth dreamed impossible in the infancy of the World of Warcraft are now possible through this guide, without the grind of senseless mobs in Pandaria.
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Module 2: Foundation Videos
These videos will cover all the fundamental tools and strategies on how to efficiently make gold using the Auction House.

In this video I show you my Auctioneer settings. These are what I think are the most profitable settings. I walk you through all the configuration options and explain in detail the most important ones. I also show you how to configure the Output Window for Auctioneer, the different Statistical and Matching Modules as well as Informant, the tooltip manager for Auctioneer. At the end I also show you how to configure the Postal AddOn.

This video is all about finding the right stuff to buy and Resale. I don’t give you a “shopping list” of items, because, as you probably know, every Realm (and faction) has a unique and evolving economy. My goals with this video is to show you how to locate the “hidden” gold makers that will net you a ton of gold.
In this video I’ll focus on the Resale search of Auctioneer, explaining every aspect of it. I’ll also show you what I think is the best way to assess the value of an item and whether it is worth your time.

Batch posting is a part of Auctioneer’s Apprasier tab and it is a massive time saving feature. I highly recommend you get used to using it on a daily basis to quickly mass post your regular items at the right price.

In this video I walk you through the Appraiser interface. I show you what the different settings do and how to use them. I also explain the most common strategies I use when selling to maximise profits and reduce expires. In the strategies I show you how and when you should overprice other auctions, how to manipulate stack sizes and how to easily undercut the competition.
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Module 3: Advanced Videos
These videos take you “beyond basics” and show you strategies that you can apply to start making hundreds of gold per day effortlessly

This video is a detailed walkthrough of the searches that the Auctioneer AddOn offers. I show you how you can use the Converter, Vendor and Snatch searches, as well as the excellent Realtime search (formerly know as Bottom Scanner). Searching for bargains is an essential skillset that will allow you to make huge amounts of gold by buying cheap and reselling for a profit

In this video I show you how you can “manually” search for items worth reselling. I also talk about the great Auctionator AddOn, how to use it and how I use it. I show you my complete configuration (the one I use to make a ton of gold each day), as well as pointers on how you can create your own setup to quickly locate bargains in your day to day gold making.

In this video I walk you through how to use Auctioneer’s Beancounter to analyze your gold making efforts and look for mistakes. This is very important as it can help you spot flaws in your day-to-day auctioneering and boost your profits. I too make some blunders from time to time, but thanks to these self-review strategies I’m able to locate and correct them.

This is an eye opening video on how the real gold making expert maximise their profit by using multiple professions to provide supplies for every niche. I explain why this work in this video.

I can’t tell you the trend of your server but I can show you how you can find out, in this video I will show you the basic use of auction database website to help you identify the market trends for your server.
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Module 4: Golden Videos
These are the true gold makers. Here I describe the best tactics that I use every day. Watch these if you want to make ridiculous amounts of gold.

Here I describe how to determine which items to craft for maximum profit and the principles about mass production and how to use the Lil Sparky’s Workshop AddOn for all professions.

In this video I show you how easy it can be to make gold using the Enchanting profession. I strongly recommend for every WoW player to have a high level Enchanter as Disenchanting is a guaranteed gold maker.

In this video I show you a strategy I call Warehousing that will allow you to make ridiculous amounts of gold. I personally used this strategy to get past the 100,000 gold mark on 3 different Bank Alts.

Here I describe a gold making technique for crafting professions that is almost like “Printing Money”. Not many players are aware about this technique and you can exploit it (legally) massively to work for you.
[content_box width=”85%”][headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#cc0000″]So How Much Does This Cost? [/headline_arial_medium_centered]
Well, let’s first consider the true value of everything you will have access to when you sign up to Dugi Gold Academy
Consider this..[red_arrow_list width=”100%”]
If you buy gold from any website you end up paying anywhere from $10 to $20 every 1,000 gold you buy.
If you don’t know how to make gold then you will go back to earning the minimum wage in WoW and waste a lot of your valuable time.
[/red_arrow_list]So think of how much time and money you could save if you learn to apply these simple strategies,
With the strategies that I’m going to show you in the videos you will easily make thousands of gold with very little effort and, best of all, it is FREE and EASY gold!
I remember when I first started playing World of Warcraft I bought gold online at least 5-6 times. I wish I could have figured out these strategies earlier!
But, there is one small catch… You can’t just buy your way into gold making super-stardom. I’ve taken great steps to make sure that the videos are truly educational and filled with only the best content.
That’s why I ask that you take action Today and really apply the strategies that I show you. I guarantee that, once you get the whole picture, you will be making ridiculous amounts of gold with minimal effort, and finally have time to actually “play” World of Warcraft.
Sign up right now within the next five minutes and you’ll have INSTANT ACCESS to the secure Dugi Gold Academy members area, where you will be able to watch the high definition videos, and all the other things I’ve described!
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[guarantee_box_1 title=”My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee”]If you don’t like Dugi Gold Academy guides that you purchased for ANY reason, you can return it for an immediate 100% refund of your purchase price. And remember, this is a 60 days guarantee. You’re free to return it next week, next month, or up to 60 days from now. Just e-mail me and I’ll process an immediate 100% refund.
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[content_box width=”85%”]You heard me correctly, these amazing guides really work. And I stand behind it 100%. After you have watched the videos, take 60 days to test drive the strategies.
If you’re not making gold and or not satisfied with what you have learned, just ask for a refund.
There are no questions asked, no “wiggle clauses” and no funny business.
You have 60 full days to put it to work for you, and you either you love it or you get a refund. Wouldn’t it be great if everything came with this kind of guarantee.
So, click here and get your discounted access to Dugi Guides right now. You have absolutely no risk…and everything to gain!
You’ll be thrilled with playing World of Warcraft (WoW) the easy way and overjoyed on how much fun it is to have a character with the best gears and millions of gold. Click here and get instant access right now.
Wishing you the very best with your adventures in Azeroth
Dave Farrell (Dugi)
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[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Incredible Value[/headline_arial_small_centered]
“I am just stunned with the way Dugi Guides works. They are the absolute best around. From the ridiculously low price to the service provided, Dugi is the man! I struggled for years to get my Death Knight up in levels, now with Dugi Guides I turn days of leveling into hours! I am a casual player due to my extreme time constraints so I like to maximize my gaming effiency. I was getting bored with wow because leveling had become an agonizingly slow process. I tried Dugi Guides and BOOM, I’m a lean mean leveling machine! I love wow once again and it’s all because of Dugi! I showed my buddies and their eyes almost popped out of their heads, they all went home and got the guides. I’ve never seen a company work so hard for so little money.
The guide is top notch, the support and communications are unrivaled, the updates and improvements are amazing. I have my leveling guide and I will be getting Dugi’s other guides, count on it. Thank you Dugi you are the undisputed best!”
seekkindness, joined Dec 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″] Best money spent[/headline_arial_small_centered]
“For more than a year in WOTLK I did nothing but raiding and some dailies here and there. I leveled a bit on a few alts and, as all are aware, it cost to support alts sometimes. I did dailies, and LFG quests until the Dungeon finder came along. I did 2 or 3 randoms then logged off if not a raid night. I was bored with the grind of dailies and wanted a change.
I bought the leveling guide to work on my alts and get my main to 85. After seeing how easy it was, I got my main alt to 85 as well.
I decided to try the dailies guide and maybe it wouldn’t be such a drag to get the Exalted Gear. I cant farm Heroics due to the 35 to 45 min queue time on my server for dps so the tabards don’t help me much.
After following the Dailies Guide it was such a breeze to get Exalted with a few factions, I started farming dailies everywhere while waiting in queue for heroics, and it make the wait seem like no time has passed and I average 2k per day income between dailies, random, and loot.
Now I have 4 toons at 85, 3 of which are at item level 349 + and 3 more that are at 75, 80, and 82. If I could have it to do all over again, I wouldnt hesitate to spend the money on Dugi’s Guides.
With the work they do on this, I think its a real bargain.”
wyzrdx, joined Dec 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Have to say, WOW Dugi![/headline_arial_small_centered]
“I’ve been a WoW player now since Beta and had a few toons that I always max leveled and played on a regular basis. I loved my other toons (have 1 of each class) but the quest/level grinds were beginning to get to me and soon they fell by the wayside of my play time. I started with Dailies and Events guide and once I started seeing how good the app was, I’ve never turned back and picked up all the Alliance mods. I’m now almost max levels with all my toons. Only 1 level on my hunter and 4 levels on my warrior until I’m done.
Dugi, these guides make leveling those toons so much more enjoyable and completely lost track of time and worries as I just followed the arrows, killed everything I felt like killing and just turned in quest after quest.
Anyone considering this addon, the money is worth it. And not only is the app a complete joy, but Dugi’s customer service has never failed to impress me and I can’t recommend this service enough.
Good on ya Dugi! You got a customer for as long as you keep going with it. You provide a “GREAT” app and the service you provide is top notch.”
Moonrager, joined Aug 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
[content_box_light_blue width=”75%”][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]The greatest wow guides… ever![/headline_arial_small_centered]
“Dugi’s guides are the greatest thing that has happened to me in my whole time playing WoW. I have almost all of them now and they are so helpful and easy to use. It couldn’t be simpler to install them and start using them straight away. The waypoint arrows are spot on and each step of every guide is detailed with everything you need to know. They really are perfect and i have recommended them to all of my friends in-game.
Dugi’s guides really do have the WoW factor. (Pardon the pun) ”
Yenfire, joined May 2010 – read more testimonials on our forum [/content_box_light_blue]
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