Brewfest begins today Sept. 20th – Oct. 6th 2018 and we got the complete in-game guide available for you!
Make sure you update the guides with our installer and you will find it in the events section of our guide.
During Brewfest, players can acquire the title Brewmaster, collect fun mounts like Swift Brewfest Ram, and toys for the Toy Box! This year, the epics are ilvl 880:
There is also a special experience buff: Brewfest Enthusiast. High Tinker Mekkatorque and Vol’jin will give speeches by their camps at 6:15 AM and PM Pacific time, and then buff everyone nearby with this 2 hour buff which persists through death.
Hate Brew of the Month club? You can cancel it now with the new item Angry Brewfest Letter for 50
Brewfest Prize Token.
Heirloom upgrades can also be purchased with the seasonal currency: Ancient Heirloom Scabbard for 300
Brewfest Prize Token and
Timeworn Heirloom Scabbard for 500
Brewfest Prize Token.
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