Cataclysm Classic is set to launch on 20 May 2024 and if you already own the Wrath of Lich King Classic you can now purchase the latest Cataclysm Update in the members area as a one-time $20 purchase.
If you don’t own any of the Classic guide, a new purchase of the Classic guides will include all current Classic Era (vanilla) guides and expansion (TBC, Wrath, Cataclysm) for a one-time $37 purchase.
The Cataclysm Update will cover…
- New Goblin and Worgen Starting Zones
- 80-85 Leveling Guides
- All new Cataclysm Zones covered
- Revised 1-60 Leveling Guides
- All Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms zones covered
- Includes Cataclysm Achievement Profession Guides (coming soon)
More updates to come and thank you for your support!
10 replies to "Cataclysm Classic Guide Available Now!"
I have paid my money but cannot get the guides to load on loading page to work and it says the WOW is not loaded….I am really tired of messing with this and would either get it fixed or my money refunded….
Hi sorry for the trouble, did you manage to get the installer to work ?
1. Make sure you enter your Dugi Guides username hartofhearts1016 and password correctly in the settings menu of the installer
2. Click ok then click reinstall
it should say welcome ‘hartofhearts1016’ on the installer if you are logged in
These guides have been super helpful and minimal issues. Thanks for your hard work. $20 USD upgrade totally worth it from Wrath progression license.
I paid for 80-85 back when cataclysm was live. Now I have to pay for it again?? What is this…
You should still have the Cataclysm retail guide. The classic version is different because it requires extensive update to the addon, and we had to revise all the guides to the new format.
I’ve noticed that the lvl81-85 guides aren’t in the Dugi Guide folders
just realized you need to pay for the update lvl 80-85 guide
paid – thx Dugi for the Cata guide will make things alot easier for me to lvl now
have the guides been loaded in cant get mine to load in yet?
Hey Dugi,
I’m waiting for launch but Dugi Guides addon doesn’t seem to be loading 80-85 guides. Will this feature be available before release in 20 mins?