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[content_box_paper_white width=”75%”][headline_arial_medium_left color=”#cc0000″]Dugi Guides Features[/headline_arial_medium_left]
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- 100% Automated System
The standard features alone will allow you to breeze through each zone in World of Warcraft.
Automatic Step Completion
Quest History Tracking
Easy Guide Selection System
- 3D Model Viewer
The model viewer will show you exactly what each NPC or Object look like in 3D.
Now you will know exactly what you’re looking for before you reach your destination.
What better description than a 3D image of exactly what you’re looking for. - Map Preview
New and exclusive with Dugi 5.2
The map preview feature will display a cool HUD style display to instantly show you where to go and highlight the quest area. This feature is easily activated by clicking the quest objective button. - Guide Suggest Mode
With Dugi ‘Guide Suggest Mode’ the addon will instantly suggest the best leveling guide for your character, the Suggest button will instantly sync the guide with your character’s level.
There are also three different setting to suit every player skill level.
Easy for Beginners (Slower leveling speed but low risk of death)
Normal for Regulars (Balanced leveling speed and difficulty)
Hard for Veterans (Ideal for good players geared with Heirlooms)
- Multiple Objective Tracking
Dugi Guides easily support multiple quest objective tracking by intergrating pefectly with the built in quest tracking system.
With this feature you can complete multiple quest at the same time and not be limited to what the current step suggested by the guide. - The ‘Target Button’
This powerful feature is a customized macro to target NPC for you to kill or interact for every single quest and also place an Icon above them to help you find them.
This is a priceless feature that will help you find those pesky hidden NPC or help you compete against other players for killing a monsters in heavily populated servers. - The Taxi System
This is a revolutionary feature unique to Dugi Guides, the best way to explain it is by watching the video presentation.The new Taxi System will make our waypoints arrow very dynamic and it will automatically create the fastest route for your character to get to your location from your current position. It will also automatically suggest the use of Hearthstone, Teleport spells, Flight master, Portals, Boats, Zeppelins and more.
A customized route will be created as if our guide has been tailor made for your character. Tuned for Every Race and Class
You don’t have worry about the guide not being compatible with your character because Dugi Guides will automatically load the correct questing path for any combination of each race and class. Including the new Monk class and Pandaren race from Mist of Pandaria expansion.
60 replies to "Dugi Guides Features During Cataclysm"
When I first started WOW I found it diffcult to find all of the quests. I looked for help and found lots of add ons but the seller just sang their own praises letting me know how well THEY had done. I then found Dugi and liked what I saw. He showed me what I could do and did not brag about what he had done. I now know exactly where I am going, what I have to do and how to get back to hand in the quest. These guides, in my oppinion , are the best you can hope to get, give them a try, you will not regret it!!!.
This is an awesome guide. So easy to use and time saving. Cuts out a lot of backtracking to complete quests.
I have used Dugi’s addon since the beginning and now have every guide. I can speed though content and level characters, achievements, making gold along the way. Easy and sinple to use. Thanks for developing the best guides available…and I know. I tried others early on.
Having played in the vanilla days without addons, then trying every addon suggested by my guildies,only getting endless error’s and re-boots, then I stumbled onto dugi and his team and their wonderful addon, this addon has become my main addon for leveling the other’s been sent to the recycle bin. Dugi and his team are always on-time with expansion to the game unlike the others. this addon with keep my interest in the game for years to come with all my toons on both sides, so many things i would have missed out on if not using the best the guide on the planet
dugi, when i 1st joined i was very sceptical about an other rip off, but i was very much wrong, the guilds are perfect for the novice thro to the hard core players, and are so easy to follow its unreal, the forums have loads of info about lvl and profs and as a scot i can say its the best money i have ever spent( and you never paid me to say that )
I’ve gone back and forth between Zygor and Dugi’s guides. Late last year I finally settled on Dugi’s guide. It’s extensive, easy to use and extensive in it’s coverage. I’ve played the beta for MoP and from what I’ve seen of your new guide is spot on. Keep up the good work and keep the updates coming. BTW, I love NZ.
These guides in my opinion are the best ones on the market. Dugi and his staff have worked hard for us so it makes it a breeze to level up any character in WOW. I have used them for all my toons and they are helping me accomplish all the necessary goals whether it be achievements, professions etc. I would recommend that anyone wanting to enjoy the game without getting frustrated purchase these guides. I love them.
Hi Dugi, all and everything about your guides are just brilliant, the good thing about them is you can buy parts of the guide as and when you can afford them, as for recent innovations I guess my favourite is the Taxi system, that is so cool, and so time saving, also the Suggest Mode is great, I tend to go for hard, if you can do it in hard mode, you can level so much faster, also don’t be put off the guides by your age if I can do it at 65 years young, then you younger folk can zoom along!!
Dugi guides are a joy to use. For me, fast leveling is not the altimate goal. It is enjoying the game story, exploring the lands, and archiving a goal. Dugi guides are the best tour guides anyone could have to allow a person like me to do this. Dugi guides give me the luxury to explore, level at my own pace, and enjoy the game. These guides have opened up so many game features and story lines that I might not have ever found, that it is worth far more then the cost of the guides or the game. My thanks go out to the developers, programers, and of course Dugi. And one more time, thank for allowing me to enjoy the game to it’s fullest existent.
A must have add-on. I was sceptical at the beginning but after a few hours I was sure it was worth every penny. Not without little bugs, but extremely helpful. I recommend it 100%.
I wouldn’t be playing without this guide! Its pure gold, especially since I have already leveled without one, and will never go thru leveling like that again. No wasted downtime searching the wrong end of the map. And the fact you dont have to keep opening quest logs, reading instructions, determining a route. It does it all for you in the most optimal way! Even the daily quests module saves time and effort!
It was the best add-on my guildie told me to get!.
I have been using Dugis leveling guides since I found out about them and now I have 9 level 85 toons and once this expansion comes out my last spot is for the monk and it will be leveled using the guide also. if I were you I would give some serious thought into investing in these guides it may just be the best investment you ever made for a hobby of yours.
I have been using Dugi guides since 2010, I have tried the others but Dugi Guides is the best hands down.
Dugi brings out new features, others follow. The dungeon, achievement and profession guides where here first. The new taxi system has been here for a while, another guide is just bringing it out.
The leveling mode is an excellent feature.
I have all of the guides and would recommend them all to anyone.
Amazing guides! I use DugiGuides for levelling all my alts. I’m only ever serious about playing one of my 85s, but when I get bored and feel like tampering with a new class, I count on my DugiArrow to point my alts in the right direction, without having to put any effort into what quests I’m actually doing. Just follow the yellow brick road! ~ Wouldn’t be without DG!
Dugi and the team,
Have been using your guides since WOTLK. Absolutely the best guides I have used or seen. The new features keep on coming making the guides better all the time. I don’t know how you will top this in Mists but I know you will try! Without your guides I would be wandering around searching for things and wasting time. Keep up the great work guys! You rock!!
I reaaly love the guide. It helped me very much. I mainly use it for achievement, and taxi 🙂 Thanks for the nice work you did, and still do.
Just wanted to say that Dugi’s guide is great!
It is very easy to use and follow. Every time there is an update it gets better. Out of all the addons that I have used, Dugi’s is always quick to be updated, and never has issues or causes errors. It is very well put together.
I have 7 level 85 characters that are all are very decently geared. These characters were all leveled with this guide.
I don’t usually make comments but have found Dugi levelling guides really good. Saves a lot of time where I don’t have to go to internet to check the next step and where to go. I think it’s been really good value. One tip – if you want to see “breadcrumbs” re directions, go to settings, tick and untick TomTom arrow and “breadcrumbs” show up 🙂
@marymfraser, Hi mary, if you need direction to certain place on your map you can also place custom waypoint by holding CTRL + Right Click on the world map and the Taxi system will give you complete directions.
Dugi Guides to me are like a dishwasher… once you have had one you never want to go without it, EVER. I am so happy I found these guides, as they have made my gaming experience so much richer. I no longer get lost and fly around in circles looking for the mob I need to kill or go looking in google for where the mineral I need to mine is located. Dugi, you have created and most importantly, maintained, an excellent batch of guides and your customer support is outstanding. To anyone thinking about subscribing, refer to my opening sentence.. once you do you will never regret it. Thanks Dugi and team for all your great work.
Just want to say thanks for all the hard work on the guides.. I’ve told all my friends about them .. several have purchesed and a few are on the trail period now.. I never thought of playing this game but got into it helping out my grandkids when they would say .. help me .. I can’t get past this.. don’t know what to do and that’s when I came across your product and we love it ..
We span a large age group spanning from 10 to 56 .. easy for all of us to use .. So thanks again to you and your staff..