Hi, everyone we have been quiet the last couple of weeks but that’s because we are very hard at work with putting finishing touches on the major update with Dugi’s Guide Viewer v4.1
As you may have noticed Dugi’s Guide just gets better and better with every new update and we’re moving at the speed of light!… well not quite, but we are fast 🙂
Check out the screen shot below and you will notice a couple of major features that we have been working on for a while.
The 2 new major features are
- Display of quest level with color coding.
- And the ! ? will now change color to grey if you’re not at a high enough level to accept the quest so that you will know before reaching the quest giver.
Combine these 2 features with our ‘Chain Quest Linking’ feature and you are now in complete control on how fast and how slow you want to progress. You can now gain experience points with other methods such as dungeons or PVP and you don’t have to worry about being out of sync with the guide.
If you’re using Heirloom items or playing with Recruit-A-Friend you can now also easily skip the green – grey quests that won’t give you much experience and with our ‘Chain Quest Linking’ feature you will never be out of sync with the guide.
We have been testing this feature extensively and we’re confident that these features are better than any other features that other competitor guides have to offer as you will have complete control.
From the screenshot above you may notice 2 new *censored* tabs , both these tabs are reserved for our brand new guide that is going to be released on May 19th.
All you have to do is leave a comment in this post and also ‘Guess’ the correct guide that we’re going to release
I will give you a hint… it is an In-Game guide! 🙂 …
sorry I’ll do better than that, here it is.
How To Enter
Choose one of these four possible answers
- In-Game Profession Guide
- In-Game Dungeon Guide
- In-Game Achievement Guide
- In-Game Gold Guide
- To win you have to pick the correct answer and also tell us why you chose the answer.
- To qualify your email must be a part of our ‘Newsletter’ list, you can subscribe here if you haven’t opt-in yet.
- One guess per entry.
- One entry per email address.
- Winners will be notified with the email that they subscribed on the list (make sure it matches the one you leave on the comment below) make sure its correct or else you won’t be able to claim your prize.
- Entries will close when the winners chosen by a draw and are announced on May 13th 2010
Invite your Friends
Encourage your friends to enter because they might be able to win it for you! use the ‘Share / Save facebook, twitter’ link below.
They must be in our ‘subscribers’ list as well to receive the prize, they can unsubscribe once the winners are announced on May 13th 2010.
The Prize
10 Guaranteed Winners will win an early copy of our Brand New Guide
It doesn’t get any easier than this to enter a contest,
Have fun and good luck everyone
I’m sorry I can’t give out anymore hints!
275 replies to "Dugi’s Guide v4.1 & ‘Guess The New Guide’ Competition"
In-Game Gold Guide
Why? Because the biggest problem with leveling a brand new toon (more than likely your first) is MONEY MONEY MONEY! An in-game gold guide is simply the most logical guide to add next. Whether or not Dugi already has it on his website is irrelevant, making an In-Game Gold Guide is the most help he can give to both newbies, and hardened veterans alike.
I thought that a dungeon guide would be good as well, but the Dungeon/Instance quests would be better suited to the actual questing leveling guide, in much the same fashion as the elite group quests you get in Northrend. You still need gold for training your spells, mounts, potions, waters, etc.. etc..
A profession leveling guide is out of the question, since in order for professions to be lucrative, you have to level them up first, and leveling professions costs money, and lots of it! Sure professions make you tons of money, but to get to that point you must level them up to the 425+ range, which is IMPOSSIBLE to do if you’re broke as a joke. You need gold to start with.
I personally would love an achievement guide since I’m a fresh 80 (thanks to Dugi of course!), but since Dugi is more about helping characters get to 80, it seems rather illogical. And you still need gold.
In short, you need gold for just about everything in wow, and an In-Game Gold Guide is the way to fix this.
Like others I believe it will be a dungeon guide as you have already covered off the professions and most achievements. It would be awesome to have a go this way , kill this for dungeons as like others have said it is easy to get lost.
i think it’s a proffesion guide. why?
so you can easily look up in the guide where every coal is.
or see where you can search a lot of good plants for herbloring.
or monsters easy to grind for leather.
in the guide is also a tool that says what items will give the most profit in auction house, what best to make with every skill and what items you need for making it.
why not a gold guide? a proffesions guide is a gold guide!
why not a dungeon guide? because we got a good build-in Qeusting system in the original game of wow!
why not a archievement guide? why should we!?
so i think it would be a PROFFESION’S guide
( And it better be so! (hehe) )
Greetingsz,’Thomas Holkamp!
I think that a new guide would have to compliment the existing leveling guide, therefore I am leaning towards a in-game gold guide.
Being that i can only chose one i would say your smart bet would be a profetion lvling guid (all though i think that a dungeon guide would rock), I chose profetion because its the smart safe bet that could be incorperated with the lvling guid and do them both at the same time.
I guess an in-game GOLD guide — everyone wants more gold!!!! And earning easy gold. . .well, that’s a no-brainer!
O.k., straight to the point:
it just has to be “achieveing the perfect profession”….but I can only pick one….so…. ya ….. one of them must be a proffesion guide. sure, a dungeon guide would be cool, it cud carry loot tables and stuff but most of us already use AtlasLoot or some other similar addon, and aren’t most dungeon quests just “here kill ___” or “gather x ____” and those quests usually give lesser rewards than what’s actually inside the dungeon; and i would like to think that Dugi wants us to get the best gear possible (and be insanely rich) 😀
I’m going with in=game Dungeon guide as there really isn’t anything like this out there and Dugi, you know you like to be the first and the best! With the advent of Dungeon finder, dungeon play has become more accessable to players, especially lower level, unaffiliated solo players, so an in-game dungeon guide would probably be the most meaningful in-game guide for levellers and higher-level frost emblam seekers alike. Primarily the game has been about levelling in quests and dungeons, so an in-game Dungeon Guide would make a huge impact because there’s such a void for it to fill.
I am of the opinion that it will be a profession guide. The reason is simple, you have a profession guide but one that is in game with the quest one can simplify leveling a character in all areas at the same time. Also an in game guide to show you where to get training, resipes, mats etc would be totally awsome!
Please make a dungeon guide, especially if it tells Benfrew how to get back inside Mara after the stupid tank pulls too many groups at once because the tank forgets we aren’t in purple emblem gear yet!
single in the new guidelines are on the farms and achievements
Or at least I think
Hopefully be in Spanish
luck to all =)
My answer would be a, Dungeon Guide, i realy hope its a, Dungeon Guide, i mean if there’s one thing that would, Dugi’s WoW Guide, unique would be a, Dungeon Guide. All joking a side ,when i be came and 80 character i was lost untill got your, Dailies Guide, now i make gold and do achievements, thanks to your guide, so i think you want to wow us with something no other guide has and something that is needed, but what ever it is it will help play wiser.
Thank You, O yaah did i mention a, DUNGEON GUIDE, would be a great addition and could help me alot 🙂
thank you for all the responses so far, there are a lot very insteresting comments and they are great feedback on how we should progress with new content. I am reading every single comment.
In-Game Achievement Guide
I would say that this is the guide that i want.. it would make my job alot easier 🙂
I would love for it to be a Profession guide as this would be a great time saver in-game!!
i think its a in-Game dungeon guide because everyone likes dungeons they are great to level up get good gear and money but better if you know where to get quests for every dungeon.
and im also going with it for the reasons of clues others pointed out aswell.
As a followup to my last message, I now think it could just as easily be a Dungeon Guide.
Tab 2, simply enough, would be a map to the dungeons, highlighting quest goal areas.
Tab 1 would be a Dungeon Guide, similar to the Leveling Guide, focussing on all the quests that link to the specifically-chosen Dungeon. As with other Guides, the ? or ! would be colored depending on the suitability for your level.
Both tabs would be linked so that choosing which Dungeon you’re referring to in the first tab, influences which map you see on the second tab.
Actually, I have a little suggestion for what may make people decide what the new guide is.
Dugi has stated that it will be one guide, yes? (Dungeons and Professions are different enough that they would be unlikely to be linked.) However, looking at the pic he provided, we know that there are definitely two tabs. Therefore, what we should be doing is trying to figure out what guide might best be served by two tabs.
For example… let’s say that it is indeed a Professions guide. Well, as we all know, there are two main Professions that we choose (plus some generally-obtained minor ones). To me, this says two things: one, either each tab is a seperate guide for each major professions… or two, that there is one tab for Major professions and one for the Minor professions.
What would the contents be in this case? Well, if we follow a style similar to the leveling guide, then it could break down something along the lines of this Cooking Example:
– Fly to Undercity. Take Flightmaster to Sepulcher
– Buy recipe for “Big Bear Stew”
– Fly to Tarren Mill
– Head SW of Tarren Mill. Farm bears east of Hillsbrad
– Return to Tarren Mill. Buy enough spices from vendor. Cook Bear Meat to lvl ??
– Do quest to get “Turtle Bisque” recipe.
– Farm sufficient Turtle meat from river east of Tarren Mill
and so on.
Using same programming as leveling guides could have us color code the steps, so that the steps of higher level are greyed out. Other colors could indicate that we need to go get trained first or that we need to be higher level before we can train.
In any event… this is why I believe that it will be a Professions guide.
Alright, I would say the In-Game Profession Guide, and the In-Game Dungeon Guide.
This guide is about helping new and old members of World of Warcraft. I’m kinda new to World of Warcraft myself and I have no clue what do it with my class as in professions and i really hate asking people in game when you really don’t get any responses or just get called “noob”. To know where to get the stuff and make them off the in game guide would make you gathering stuff quicker and less time wasting and have more time making money while your just doing your professions.
The Dungeon guide would be good, because what if no one else knows this dungeon and you happen to have all this stuff in your in game guide to help you through everything to make leveling in dungeon’s fast with out dying all the time? I mean yeah most people will know the basics of the dungeons but what about the extra maybe rare items you can get out of them? and the fastest way to pull and kill everything? So, I think theses will be the two new in game guides.
I believe it’s a profession guide. Leveling up professions can be a pain, especially having to alt-tab, so an in-game guide would be win. Your guides are designed to help people reach things faster and max out their characters while being mostly self-reliant. And while I wouldn’t rule out one of the other tabs being either a gold or dungeon guide, I’ve just got a feeling the last new one is professions as achievements don’t really help you gain levels or gear or gold, just vanity items.