Hi everyone, first of all I would like to apologize for the shaky release of our patch 8.2 update. However good news is that our addon is now stable and you should be able to enjoy the new Nazjatar and Mechagon Island guide.
You can find these new guides in the Dailies > Battle of Azeroth section of the guide or check out the “What’s New” section in the Home tab

We are still working on more guides to cover the latest patch which will cover new Dailies, Achievements, Pets and Mounts stay tuned for that for the next couple of days
9 replies to "Patch 8.2 Rise of Azshara Update"
“You can find these new guides in the Dailies > Battle of Azeroth section”
Love how you have changed the expansion title hehe Its now BoA (Bind on Account) lol
On a more serious note thanks for all the updates you guys do, Most of us do really appreciate them.
I keep getting an error telling me I don’t have bfa or mech dallies. Did I miss something? thanks
Hi looks like your annual expired on 07/01/18, you will need to renew it from the members area
and reinstall
DugiGuides seem to have disappeared from computer and install puts me at at trial packae
Make sure you are logged in with the installer and make sure the install path is correct in the settings menu of the installer and reinstall
updated to 8.748 but no updated guide in Dailies>BFA ??
yes thx dugi now its working
updated to 8.748 but no updated guide in Dailies>BFA ??
It’s likely you haven’t updated properly, check the addon version in the game (dont rely on the installer)
You will need to fix the install path in the installer, go to Dugi Installer Settings > click on auto detect path
The install path should look something like [your path]\World of Warcraft\_retail_\