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45 replies to "Skill Capped Special Offer Dec 9th – Dec 11th"
Only thing I don’t like about this is it can’t be used for the Achievement & Profession guide. It’s the only one I don’t have :(.
Hey do I get the coupon even though I bought this yesterday before you added the Christmas Bonus???? 🙂 Happy Holidays!
@Cynthia Moon, it will be sent to you soon after the sale ends.
Hi Team
I have never really been into PVP so very interested, will it help a first timer
Already look at a site before your email. Its from $4.95 for 1mths and to $4 6mth so a 12mth subscription would be $48 ( http://www.skill-capped.com)
Your offer is $37.99 yearly (reduced from $60) is yours the same site
I cannot see any terms and conditions (ie cancellation ect) on both sites
So for a beginner a monthly subscription would be it be better
Just to correct your math there, standard price is $4.95 per month x 12 = $59.40 to be exact. Not $48.
At $37.99 per year its $3.16 per month.
hi Dugi
If you buy 6mth subscription its $4=x2=%24 x (12mth )$48 if its the same site
as I said I am just starting to do pvp just did not want to spend $37 in one go so monthly would be better.
@goldmoon, yes its up to you.
@goldmoon, You’re multiplying $4 x 12 months. If the month by month subscription is $4.95/month then that would be closer to $5/month so it would be 5×12= $60 per year minus a few cents. You were rounding off the .95 cents and making it $4. If you could tell us exactly how you came about being able to receive a discount like this I’m sure lots of people would like to know, since that is almost $1 less per month than the actual monthly price. Just trying to show you the error in your math. It’s a common mistake to think of it without the sense but if you are rounding with money you ALWAYS round UP when it’s more than .40 cents. Hope this helps you with your decision. =)
Hi Team
I have never really been into PVP so very interested, will it help a first timer
Already look at a site before your email says from $4.95 for 61mths and to $4.956 mth so a 12mth subscription would be $48 ( http://www.skill-capped.com)
Your offer is $37.99 yearly (reduced from $60) is yours the same site
I cannot see any terms and conditions (ie cancellation ect) on both sites
So for a beginner a monthly subscription would be it be better
I tried to purchase Skill-Capped with Paypal but it was trying to force me to add a credit card to my Paypal account. I’m not adding a credit card to my Paypal account so I guess I won’t be buying this.
@Runforit, it allowed me to use debit card if that is an option for you
@Billy G, It appears they are trying to lock me into auto renewals. For that reason I wanted to use Paypal.
@Runforit, you can cancel the auto renewal straight after your purchase.
@Dugi, Ok, I will try it.
Thanks for the reply
Just Bought Skill Capped Dugi. Aaaaaaaaaamazing i only found 99 things i do wrong up till now LoL!
easy to work through very precise instructions, almost A,B,C methods to improve your gameplay.
Anyone who does not get better at the game after reading all the info for their class must have some serious learning issues and should seek help.
this is very helpful loves it very much 🙂
**** it Dugi I bought this yesterday after reading about it on your site! can I still get this discount?
@tonythetiger, I’m not sure you will need to contact the Skill-Capped crew and see if they can fix you with something.
I find it funny that people besides the devs make money off of a video game.
@teh epik oen, I wonder how much the gladiators get paid – probably a one-off fee for a video…? I consider myself a bit of an expert with my main class, having played it for 6+ years now, but am always open to learning about otehr classes. Things are always changing and you would be a fool to think you know everything all the time 🙂
@teh epik oen, seriously? the video game business is HUGE and includes many many more companies than just developers, not the least of which are all the stores that carry the product and sell it to people like you and me. video games also create very lucrative opportunities for enterprising folks to build their own businesses from the ground up (like both Dugi guides and Skillcapped). find it funny all you want, they’re all taking it to the bank regardless of whether it makes you laugh.
Well it’s Friday 9th December (here in a certain part of the world), but no link 🙁
Could you perhaps include the timezone 🙂
When I click on the download thing above nothing happens
@Nathen Nugent, its a PDF file you may need to install a reader for it. http://get.adobe.com/reader/
Dugi, you and your Team are amazing! Looking forward to reading this tonight and the exclusive deal this Friday.
Thank you to skill-capped aswell.
Thank you
Well I just joined the site and as Jordan says it has so much information for PVP improvements, this site is a must have for anyone serious about improving thier PVP skills!
Thanks for this Dugi!
Its a great guide, but only a tiny taste of whats to come if you decide to become a member of skill caped.. Personally ive been a member of skillcapped for a while now, and it has defiently helped me out alot!
What a great guide! you guys never stop to amaze me, you always come up with guides that will help your subscriber’s! Thanks!
I was just checking out the skill-capped website today because my PVP skills need to be updated!
Thanks for the guide… as a nearly five year casual player, on first read, this appears to be a highly worthwhile download and certainly one cannot complain about pricing, can one… nice to know the playing field will be leveled for casfolk.
As a warlock, I normally restrict myself to PvE, where I feel most comfortable. After seeing this guide, however, I decided to start PvPing with my friends. A horde on Moon Guard taught me what to do in some situations, but even then I had trouble. After reading this guide over again and again, I finally feel that I have what it takes to start improving in PvP. Thanks Dugi!!!
Read through this and while it is nice, I don’t see what this website could possibly offer given everything in there I could find in a Google search in less than 5 minutes. Makes me wonder what else they have that is available everywhere.
Wow this guide is great. After reading it, I decided to try Skill-Capped out. At first I was skeptical as a lot of other sites promise to do what they do.
After joining I was AMAZED, they have over 1000 instructional videos for every class in the game and there content is extremely up to date. It looks like they release 2 new videos every day. I can’t wait to see how much this will increase my arena ratings this season.
Thanks Dugi and Skill Capped
If you do want to join, wait until Friday for the sale.