The pre-patch for Wrath of the Lich King Classic is now available, TBC Classic will be phased out and the game client will be changed to a WotLK version. Dugi Guides is now updated to work with the latest patch and it will include..
- Death Knight Starter Guide
- Northrend 70-80 Leveling Guides
- Northrend 70-80 Dungeon Guides
- Profession Guides Updates
- Daily Quests Guides Updates
- Talent Advisor updates and more to come
If you don’t own any Classic Guides : Wrath Updates are included with new Classic Guide purchase
If you do own Classic Guides: Wrath Updates are available for $15 early price until until Sep 26th
Update now to 3.000 for Wrath Classic addon and make sure you reinstall with the Dugi Installer after a new purchase to make sure you have all the paid guides installed.
The remainder of our Wrath of the Lich King: Classic content will be coming closer to the full launch of WotLK Classic which is planned for September 26th.
30 replies to "Wrath of The Lich King Classic Update"
Love your guides. Already used them when they just came out and now again with classic. The only thing I miss is a reputation guide. Did you not have one before?
hi the reputation guides are available guide for wotlk
I the talent advisor not included yet? I tried to choose a talent tree & the only thing it says is “none” & no three talent trees to chose from.
Hi have just uploaded the talent advisor last night try reinstalling/updating now
not sure what is the issue but everytime I click “play” on the installer after it finishes loading my battlenet client starts to update every version of wow I have … and they get stuck updating..
Try closing the battle.net app and load task manager and end any battle.net client from the background task
also sometimes loading
Wow.exe directly from the World of Warcraft\_retail_
WowClassic.exe from World of Warcraft\_classic_
will force the update to stop and it seems to fix itself after that.
I got your guides the first go round. I need to re purchase?
Yes, the classic guide is different than retail and will need a new purchase
Death Knight Starter Guide doesn’t load and there is no working LUA like “55_58_The_Scarlet_Enclave.lua”. There is a file in the WOTLK folders but it only says “return” (a 6 Bytes file)
I use the Dugi installer 1.5.2 and reinstalled with the installer
Interface: In chat there is a message, that the guide is loaded, but it doesn’t show in the quest-frame. Quest-frame says “No guide loaded”.
hi you might still need to purchase the wrath update and reinstall
Purchase…again? I think I have all you offer 🙂
The installer says:
Welcome, tzunami!
Your Guides
Extra Tracking Module
NPC Journal Module
Dugi In Game Guides Annual WoW Retail.
Dugi In-Game Guides WoW Classic + TBC
I deleted the folder of your guide and then re-installed it…again.
When I’m starting my DK the guide for Scarlett Enclave
– is offered,
– I click it,
– chat message: Dugi Guides: Plaguelands: Scarlett Enclave 55 – 59 Death Knight) selected
– Quest Frame still says: No Guide selected
Hi, I’ve just checked your account and you can purchase the Wrath Update from the members area here https://www.dugiguides.com/amember/signup
I’m an idiot. I thought I just bought the latest guide a few days ago, my bad. I’m sorry, and thank you for your patience.
I just bought the wotlk-update and it works like a charm. 🙂
same i have done everything , I deleted the app so i will stop getting notices about my interface having issues.
there was an error with the addon, please update now to 3.005 to fix this issue
Won’t load in game… Literally just paid for upgrade and doesn’t work…
same i have done everything , I deleted the app so i will stop getting notices about my interface having issues.
Hi I’m very sorry for the mistake, please update now to 3.005 to fix this issue
pareille ne fonctionne pas reste bloqué a 9%
I don’t know where to leave bugs/feedback, but the traveling-to-Auberdine advice still says the boat is in Menethil Harbor, when it’s in Stormwind.
Also, quite a few waypoints have been off by quite a bit till this point leveling through Human area to Dun Morogh/Loch Modan
mine keeps saying path not found even though the folder is the same as before
nevermind got it
Mine does not work either. 1.58 right??
check and make sure you have the update in your product list in the members area and reinstall
Not Loading “Plaguelands: The scarlet Enclave (55-59 Death knight)
Hi you might still need to purchase the update and reinstall
not working in pre patch currently
Hi are you still having trouble, try reinstalling now
Mine still isn’t working for some reason